Milton Ribeiro postou um artigo excelente sobre o caso Geisy aqui. Nos o traduzimos e esperamos que o Milton não veja problema com isto!
Milton Ribeiro has posted an excellent article on the Geisy case and we have taken the libery of translating it.
I spent most of this morning reading about Geisy Vila Nova Arruda, the girl who was virtually bitch-slapped and almost lynched and is now expelled from Uniban University in São Bernardo do Campo. 20 year old Geisy showed up at school for her classes in tourism dressed in a hot pink micro-skirt. This provoked the ire of the student body who tried to push her out of the school. The young lady needed to be taken under police protection and was removed from Uniban's corredors to shouts of “whore, whore!” It's not as simple as all that, however. Students accuse her of showing her ass in the corridor, provoking them and acting like a prostitute outside the classroom.
I say "So what?"
Angie Stone – No More Rain (In This Cloud)
4 days ago